Each Sunday, beginning at 9:30a.m., children, teens, and adults throughout our church building meet to study God's Word and how it impacts their lives. The curriculum for each class is varied to reflect the needs of the class members. The children's and youth classes are organized by age. Each of the adult classes is unique, offering a different curriculum and approach to study. We encourage you to visit each of the classes to determine where you fit.
Nursery (birth to age one) meets in Room 205
Toddlers (two to three year olds) meet in Room 206
Four year olds - second grade age, meet in Room 209
Third, fourth, and fifth grades meet in Room 302
Junior High (grades 6-8) & High School (grades 9-12) meet in Youth Room third floor
Rubies (Ladies) (Room 301A) - Daniel: Finding Confidence that God's Power is at work
Bible Study Fellowship (Adults) (Room 304A) - The Soul-Winning church: Six Keys to Fostering a Genuine Evangelistic Culture
Men of 1:10 (Room 305A) - Think Ahead: 7 Decisions You Can Make Today for the God-Honoring Life You Want Tomorrow
The Inquirers (Adults) (Fellowship Hall) - All Signs Point to Jesus & Elisha: Seeing the Hand of God at Work
Women's Class (Women) (Fellowship Hall) * Meets on Mondays at 10am - 1, 2 Peter & Jude
The discipleship Class (Adults) Meeting in the Children's Worship Center (101A) - The Book of Luke (Please bring your Bibles!)