Like the early Christians, PBC believers meet in homes each week to grow in their faith, study the word, pray, and enjoy fellowship. Each week the LIFE Groups dig deeper into Sunday's sermons. The groups re-read the scripture verses, ask and answer questions and give examples on how to apply the Bible to real life. In the past, the LIFE Groups utilized Bible-based studies, which are listed on the website.
If you are interested in joining a LIFE Group, there is a signup form in the back of the sanctuary or visit the PBC website and click on Life Groups for times and locations.
We love each other in our LIFE Groups but we need to extend this love outside the group and allow others to ask "why" we are loving them. We strive to be Christ-like and have others see the light in us so we are able to share Jesus' love with them.
Our studies lead us to a deeper understanding of His word through reading and group discussion.
Asking about each other's lives, prayer requests, sharing praises and supporting each other create an awesome fellowship and relationship.
God has asked us to make decisions, to be fishers of men. Our LIFE Groups support God's commandment as we share the Gospel with our friends, neighbors, co-workers and strangers.